They told me to get closer... so I did.
Peace crop top - Motel
High-waisted blue jeans - BDG (Urban Outfitters)
Van Doren parrot tropical authentics - Vans
Our capes were super rad - but we obviously didn't use flash. Ugh.
Stella and Nick - my bus homies ♡
I am seriously in serious love with this photo. Maybe because i love my Vans so much ahaha.
This photo makes my feet not look half the size of Gaby's. Interesting angle.
Bringing sexy back (yeah!).
Buy me one.
We waited for-fucking-ever at Coldstone's because no one told us we had to give the dudes our receipts. But the workers were interesting to talk to so it wasn't a big deal haha.
I know. I took a bajilion photos of Gariela. But I mean she's just so gorgeous that I just couldn't resist!
We were tired as fuck.
Gimme these stairs.
Cheesus. Friday night was super pooper fun. Six Flags + friends + cotton candy = one happy camper named Angela. I wish it lasted longer but, hey all good things must come to a stop, right?
I'm so glad i brought a disposable with me there. I got some really great shots. Even though a lot came out WAY TOO dark. This roll was fabulous, nevertheless. I apologize for the really dark photos. A couple of them I brightened up a bit in photoshop but they're still dark, unfortunately. I forgot how light sensitive these were.
Totally sorry for the lack of posts lately - I have nothing to post! So enjoy this one of my amazing trip to Six Flags. Stay tuned!
Angela xoxo